Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Surratt Cheek, Chikuhodo RC-2, Lumiere 2015 Cheek, and Noel Rose 2015 Cheek Comparisons

In search of the fluffiest and softest round pom pom gray squirrel cheek brush? Is the Surratt Cheek worth the splurge? I got you covered with a quick review!

Please note, the red handle Chikuhodo RC-2 is labeled as RRC-2, but for explanation purposes I will refer to it as RC-2 as most people recognize it by that.

Surratt Cheek, Chikuhodo RRC-2, Chikuhodo 2015 Lumiere Cheek Brush, Chikuhodo 2015 Noel Rose Cheek Brush

In terms of density and size, the order from smallest to largest goes: Surratt, RC-2, Lumiere, and Rose. The Surratt and RC-2 are about the same density. 

For softness, the RC-2 and Lumiere are tied, with Surratt very close behind, and Rose (dyed sokoho, not a fair comparison but it's a similar shape). Flexibility-wise, the Surratt is the most flexible, with the RC-2, Lumiere, and Rose behind it. 

Performance-wise, the RC-2 and Surratt are pretty much the same. The RC-2 seems to have lighter brown and auburn hairs while the Surratt is darker overall. The RC-2 is a little bit more tapered out than the Surratt.

Going from most efficient to least in order: Rose, Lumiere, RC-2, and Surratt are tied.

For precision, the Surratt is the most precise, then the RC-2, Lumiere, and Rose. If you like precise blush placement and want to splurge for the duochrome black-green handle, it's a nice brush to have. The duochrome handle looks much better in real life. My photos do it no justice. Not a necessity in my brush arsenal as the RC-2 is good enough for me and holds a special place in my heart!

Surratt Cheek, Chikuhodo RC-2, Chikuhodo Lumiere 2015 Cheek, Chikuhodo Rose 2015 Cheek
Surratt Cheek, Chikuhodo RRC-2, Chikuhodo 2015 Lumiere Cheek Brush, Chikuhodo 2015 Noel Rose Cheek Brush

Surratt Cheek, Chikuhodo RC-2, Chikuhodo Lumiere 2015 Cheek, Chikuhodo Rose 2015 Cheek
Surratt Cheek, Chikuhodo RRC-2, Chikuhodo 2015 Lumiere Cheek Brush, Chikuhodo 2015 Noel Rose Cheek Brush

Chikuhodo Lumiere 2015 Cheek, Chikuhodo RC-2, Surratt Cheek

Chikuhodo Lumiere 2015 Cheek, Chikuhodo RRC-2, Surratt Cheek

Surratt Cheek vs RC-2
Surratt cheek vs RRC-2

A recap:

Size from smallest to largest are in order on the first photo.
Surratt, RC-2, Lumiere, Rose

RC-2 and Lumiere are tied, Surratt very close behind, and Rose (dyed sokoho, not a fair comparison but it's a similar shape)

Rose, Lumiere, RC-2 and Surratt are pretty tied

Surratt, RC-2, Lumiere, Rose

Surratt, RC-2, Lumiere, Rose

Some more picture comparisons below.

Rose, Lumiere, WG 13, RC-2, GSN-4, Takumi T-4, Hakuhodo J210
Rose, Lumiere, Wayne Goss 13, RRC-2, Chikuhodo GSN-4, Chikuhodo T-4, Hakuhodo J210

Koyudo RCS, J110, B505, WG AB, K008, S110
Koyudo Canadian Squirrel, Hakuhodo J110, Hakuhodo B505 (old dyed version), Wayne Goss Air Brush, Hakuhodo K008, Hakuhodo S110

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